week 9 day 7

I think I just like to be angry. On some logical level I know that all your fuck-ups weren’t “your fault”. You have a thing…a block…a physical inability to act like a normal human being. You said those things out of some misguided attempt at showing your love. You did those things because of some deep, personal misunderstandings about how human emotions function. You study the brain and think you know it all but it’s just theory to you. You can’t connect, and it’s not your fault.

Maybe that’s the case, and maybe I shouldn’t be angry with you for something that’s not your fault, maybe I shouldn’t call you an asshole and hope that someday things will either be better or I’ll be able to completely sever this relationship. Maybe I just really like being angry.

Oh, who am I kidding? Not myself. Fuck you anyway. You’re an asshole.

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